A Closer Look at the Quest for an Inclusive Research Project: 'I Had No Experience with Scientific Research, and then the Ball of Cooperation Started Rolling'

Miriam Zaagsma, Mark Koning, Christien van Andel, Karin Volkers, Alice Schippers, Geert van Hove

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The original adage of the movement of people with disabilities ‘Nothing about us without us’ is fortunately more and more adopted in the research world. There is, for example, increasing recognition of the importance and value of actively involving people with intellectual disabilities in research projects on topics that are relevant to them. In a current doctoral research project, a co-researcher with an intellectual disability was recruited to work together with the doctoral researcher. Now that this project is nearing completion, it is time to look at some aspects of their collaboration and see what we can learn from this process. In several (joint) meetings, the researchers reflected on their personal experiences with working and researching together. Our reflections are presented using three overarching themes: preparations for the collaboration, collaborating as a complex process, and conducting research together. The discussion focuses on what can be inferred from these personal experiences with regard to the following three topics: how inclusive research can be organised best, the possible benefits of the collaboration for the researchers involved, and the possible impact of the collaboration on the quality of the research.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSocial Sciences
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2022


  • inclusive research
  • participatory research
  • intellectual disabilities
  • collaboration


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