Draagvlak en Duurzaamheid, een politiek- filosofische beschouwing over deliberatieve democratie en ‘glokalisering’

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Samenvatting in Engels This article explores two parallel strategies that could enhance a shift towards becoming a sustainable society. Such a transition requires major changes in lifestyle and coexistence and can only be achieved with extensive public support. We argue that innovative practices of democratic deliberation and strengthening a (g)local gaze could generate such much needed public support because they both involve citizens as critical co-creators in tangible processes of change. Both strategies depart from the everyday life-world experiences of people in their own living environments but also challenge them to resituate their personal concerns in broader planetary perspectives.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages31
JournalMens en Maatschappij
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020

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