Praktijkhandreiking Agency Arrangeren 2.0: Speelruimte voor jongeren als changemakers

S.E. Abdallah, Mehmet Day, Marjolijn Distelbrink, Tarik Pehlivan, Esther Schelvis, Inti Soeterik, Monique Volman, Mamtaz Yusuf

Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademic


School, youth work and youth care help young people function in and adapt to society. In this manual a consortium of academic researchers, professional institutions, and young people provide principals and practices for a 'reversal': How can we support young people to be changemakers? To positively change their environment and society and give them the space to do so?
Original languageDutch
PublisherKenniscentrum Ongelijkheid
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2023
Published outside the University of Humanistic StudiesYes


  • transformative agency
  • arranging
  • youth
  • changemakers
  • participation

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