Keynote: Von der Schwere der Praxis: Was uns das Autofahren zum Empiriebedarf philosophischer Kritik lehrt

Activiteit: Invited talk


Between theoretical critique and transformative practice, there is a huge gap - often leading to resistance to change and desperation on the side of activists. Pragmatism should aim to understand why practices are often inert, immune to criticism and resistant to change. This lecture aims to uncover some ideological mechanisms which work on an emotional and embodied level and are deeply built into our daily infrastructures, routines and mindmaps. We do not see them, because they are always in our back, but nevertheless, they can be quite harmful. My lecture is based on empirical work in the field of carsharing.
Periode17 okt. 2024
EvenementstitelPraxis – Kritik – Transformation: Tagung des German Pragmatism Network 2024
LocatieMunic, Germany, BavariaToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternational