Lebenswerte und Ökologie – eine Kontroverse

Activiteit: Invited talk


If human beings create values (by practices of evaluation), can something that humans have not made be of value? In search of ways to argue for intrinsinc values of nature, Nicolai Hartmann's philosophy of value is investigated. His ontological stance is a promissing source for such an enterprise. Even if he did only occasionally ascribe value to nature, in times of ecological crises, his philosophy needs to be interpreted and applied in a more ecological way.
Periode17 jul. 202418 jul. 2024
EvenementstitelPraktische Philosophie als systematische
Philosophie? Nicolai Hartmanns Werttheorie, Ethik und Philosophie der Moral im Lichte gegenwärtiger Diskussionen
LocatieErfurt, Germany, ThuringiaToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternational