Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 72 resultaten
Wild fruits. The pedagogical merits of conflicts
de Ruyter, D. J. (Examiner)
28 nov. 2024Activiteit: PhD examination internal or external
Closing the gap. On the purpose of moral education
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker)
24 nov. 2024Activiteit: Research Presentation
A neo-Aristotelian theory of emulation: Implications for cultivating teacher character through role modelling
de Ruyter, D. J. (Examiner)
14 nov. 2024Activiteit: PhD examination internal or external
Is the liberal account of education for human flourishing characterless?
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker)
27 jun. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
“That We Get More Trust, We Just Want So Much More”
de Ruyter, D. J. (Examiner)
17 jun. 2024Activiteit: PhD membership Doctoral Examination Committee.
Democratische burgerschapsvorming: historische bedenkingen bij de wil tot meten
van Rees, P. (Speaker)
13 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
Education for flourishing – the development of an account
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker)
22 feb. 2024Activiteit: Research Presentation
Education for human flourishing at the university
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker)
22 feb. 2024Activiteit: Invited talk
de Groot, I. (Consultant)
21 feb. 2024 → 22 feb. 2024Activiteit: Consultancy
Expertisepunt Burgerschap (External organisation)
van Rees, P. (Chair)
1 jan. 2024 → …Activiteit: Membership of network
Stories about good education. A qualitative empirical study into formulating and using school vision stories
de Ruyter, D. J. (Examiner)
16 dec. 2023Activiteit: PhD membership Doctoral Examination Committee.
Education for (human) flourishing – the best bridge between enhancing positive youth development and moral education
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker)
27 okt. 2023Activiteit: Research Presentation
Het bildungsideaal: achterhaald of actueel
Sanderse, W. (Speaker)
22 sep. 2023Activiteit: Guest Lecture
American University of Paris
de Groot, I. (Visiting researcher)
8 sep. 2023Activiteit: Visiting an external academic institution
Spanningsverhoudingen in passend regulier basisonderwijs: samenwerken bij het bevorderen van sociale inclusie van kinderen
de Ruyter, D. J. (Examiner)
22 aug. 2023Activiteit: PhD membership Doctoral Examination Committee.
Education for Human Flourishing: Global Consultation
de Ruyter, D. J. (Consultant)
aug. 2023Activiteit: Consultancy
Adolescents’ moral self-cultivation through emulation. What role is there for teachers?
Sanderse, W. (Speaker)
1 apr. 2023Activiteit: Research Presentation
Brede vorming in het (v)mbo
Sanderse, W. (Organiser), Vos, K. (Organiser), Baay, P. (Chair), van der Hulst, S. (Organiser), van Belle, M. (Organiser) & Drop, H. (Organiser)
24 mrt. 2023Activiteit: Organising a conference, workshop, ...
Bildung in beroepsonderwijs
Sanderse, W. (Speaker) & Joris, M. (Speaker)
13 mrt. 2023Activiteit: Research Presentation
Masterclass 'Bildung voor bestuurders'
Sanderse, W. (Invited speaker)
10 mrt. 2023Activiteit: Invited talk
Docentprofessionalisering burgerschapsonderwijs in de master BKS
de Groot, I. (Speaker)
17 feb. 2023Activiteit: Invited talk
Fostering supportive structures for families in the neighbourhood
de Ruyter, D. J. (Examiner)
2 feb. 2023Activiteit: PhD membership Doctoral Examination Committee.
Ethische vragen rond het bevorderen en beoordelen van aspecten van burgerschapsidentiteit.
de Groot, I. (Speaker)
12 jan. 2023Activiteit: Invited talk
Philosophy of Education Society Great Britain (External organisation)
de Ruyter, D. J. (Member)
2023 → …Activiteit: Membership of network
Studiedag ROC van Twente 'Socratisch gesprek'
Sanderse, W. (Chair)
2023 → …Activiteit: Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
Association for Moral Education (External organisation)
de Ruyter, D. J. (Member)
2023 → …Activiteit: Membership of network
INCLON nascholingsdag burgerschap
de Groot, I. (Participant)
25 nov. 2022Activiteit: Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
ICLON nascholingsdag burgershap
de Groot, I. (Participant)
25 nov. 2022Activiteit: Organising a conference, workshop, ...
Bildung: the recent comeback of an old ideal
Sanderse, W. (Speaker)
3 nov. 2022Activiteit: Guest Lecture
Geloof in eigen kunnen: Wij maken het verschil - een onderzoek naar het politiek geloof in eigen kunnen van mbo-studenten
de Groot, I. (Participant) & Kraak, J. (Participant)
nov. 2022 → okt. 2024Activiteit: Research Assignment
Vorming van studenten: tussen verwaarlozing en betutteling
Sanderse, W. (Speaker)
13 okt. 2022Activiteit: Invited talk
Normatieve professionalisering en het lerarentekort
Sanderse, W. (Speaker)
26 sep. 2022Activiteit: Invited talk
Jubilee Centre Annual Conference
Sanderse, W. (Participant) & de Ruyter, D. J. (Participant)
8 sep. 2022Activiteit: Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
Annual conference Association of Moral Education (AME)
Joris, M. (Participant) & Sanderse, W. (Participant)
23 jul. 2022Activiteit: Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
Higher education students’ life purposes in The Netherlands and Finland
Kuusisto, E. (Speaker), de Groot, I. (Speaker), de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker), Schutte, I. (Speaker), Rissanen, I. (Speaker) & Suransky, A. C. (Speaker)
20 jul. 2022Activiteit: Research Presentation
Creating caring and just democratic schools to prevent extremism
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker) & Sieckelinck, S. (Speaker)
jul. 2022Activiteit: Research Presentation
Flourishing as an aim of inclusive education. What does it mean and imply?
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker)
jul. 2022Activiteit: Invited talk
The landscape of well-being concepts and approaches
de Ruyter, D. J. (Speaker)
jul. 2022Activiteit: Research Presentation
Using Aristotelian or Platonic dialogues for the moral education of young adults?
Sanderse, W. (Speaker)
30 jun. 2022Activiteit: Invited talk
Bildung voor schoolleiders
Sanderse, W. (Organiser)
8 jun. 2022Activiteit: Participating in a conference, workshop, ...