Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, generalised hypermobility and ethics: reflections from the ethics of care

L. Cornelissens, C. J. W. Leget, J.W.G. Jacobs (Editor), L.J.M. Cornelissens (Editor), M.C. Veenhuizen (Editor), B.C.J. Hamel (Editor)

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademic

Originele taal-2American English
TitelEhlers-Danlos Syndrome: a Multidisciplinary approach
UitgeverijIOS Press
Aantal pagina's368
ISBN van elektronische versie978-1-61499-877-8
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-61499-877-8
StatusPublished - 1 jan. 2018

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