Aandacht voor weerbaarheid van onderaf en binnenuit

  • Jahmilla Frank

Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis: Humanistic Studies


This thesis has resilience at it’s core, and was researched in the context of education. More specifically; the reinforcing of resilience in the context of the guidance new aspiring policeofficers in Amsterdam receive as an integral part of their initial training. In light of questions posed by the recent occurrence and treatment of PTSD within the dutch police organization, and the extensive media coverage of which, resilience is a current theme. A theme the dutch police has in fact turned to for possible answers. In 2011 a policy programme was introduced, raising the matter of the enhancement and reinforcement of professional resilience (Programma versterking professionele weerbaarheid). The programme renders the aspiration to integrate resilience in all layers of the organization. This brings the concrete subject of this thesis into focus; if and when resilience deserves special attention throughout the organization, how does one go about it? What does this require from the educators and other professionals working with these individuals whose resilience should be developed and reinforced? Based on international literature and several interviews about the guidance offered to aspriring police officers in training by the professionals involved, this thesis comprises a number of findings. The most important findings are a) the self-evident involvement displayed by these professionals with regard to resilience in their work, and b) an incongruence between that same self-evidence and their experience of the organizational policy at hand.
Datum prijs1 jan. 2014
Originele taalAmerican English
BegeleiderM. Schreurs (Supervisor) & J. Duyndam (Supervisor)

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